the stew project

Ready to Shift into a Healthier & Happier Life?

Whether you lack time, motivation or you just don't know where to start, I can show you how to do the things you don't want to do, so you can enjoy doing the things you want, without adding more stress or frustration into your life.

sign up for my free 7-Day Challenge and learn how to...

  • Create structure in your life to find time to tend to your mental and physical health
  • Start showing up in life as the person you want to be with simple mindset shifts
  • Prioritize boundaries to avoid stress and reduce symptoms of anxiety or depression.
  • Improve your health habits by making tiny shifts...but not diets!
  • How to overcome barriers and roadblocks that prevent you from making progress.

Thank you Amber! you have helped me do in months what I have been trying to accomplish for YEARS!

Maximize Your Living Potential Today!

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